Mental Health And Wellness Services To Address The Diverse Needs Of Each Person

What We Do

Individual Therapy for Children & Adults

Personalized therapy for all ages

Family Therapy

Strengthening families through compassionate therapy

Clinical Assessments

Comprehensive clinical assessments for personalized care

Care Giver Therapy

Support And Therapy For Caregivers Of Children And Adults With Significant Needs

consultative service

Expert consultative services for personalized support

care management and care coordination

Expert care management and coordination for personalized support

Transitional Youth Services

Helping Youth Age 16-21 Transition Into Adulthood By Addressing Topics Such As Education, Employment and Independent Living Skills

Outpatient Plus Services

Weekly Therapy For The Individual and/or Family, Support In The Home/ School/ Community Setting And Weekly Case Management And Care Coordination

Exclusive Service For alamance united

Enhanced Big Brother/Big Sister Mentoring program

Exclusively available for the Alamance-Burlington School System (ABSS), our Enhanced Big Brother/Big Sister Mentoring program offers comprehensive support for children, caregivers, and families. Our program includes weekly therapy sessions for both children and caregivers, ensuring personalized support for everyone involved. In addition to therapy, our dedicated team of mental health professionals provides home, community, and school support and engagement. We also offer weekly case management and care coordination services, ensuring that each family receives the individualized support they need to thrive.


Helping youth age 16-21 transition into Adulthood

The Transitional Youth Services Program prepares youth for successful transition into the demands of independent adulthood by focusing on developing the following essential components: